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Philanthropic Activities 

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I volunteered with a variety of people to help build two houses in Columbia, MO. I did this while I waited to go to the United States Navy's Officer Candidate School

I volunteered my time at the MU Asian Affairs Center where I was paired with a student from South Korea to tutor him on his English speaking abilities. My speaking partner's name was Young and we met once each week of the spring semester my junior year of college.



I volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House as a part of Delta Sigma Pi. Here I prepared meals for the families staying there while their loved ones were in the hospital.


I volunteered along with my brothers in Delta Sigma Pi to help groom and feed animals as well as clean their cages. We definitely had TONS OF FUN playing with the puppies and kittens!

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This was a volunteer effort put on by my business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi. Each semester we came together as a chapter and cleaned a street in Columbia, MO.

Throughout my time as an active member of Delta Sigma Pi I helped raise $3,500 for local charities in Columbia, MO


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